A Short Course Book
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Using the ShortCourses Web Site

This is a very simple site to navigate. All of its contents, including this section and the bookstore, are organized into on-line books. These books open with a contents page, followed by page after page of material of interest to digital photographers. The navigation buttons described in this section are found throughout the site. The buttons that relate to purchasing books are found only in the bookstore.

What happens when you click it

Displays a PDF explaining how to navigate this site. Click the button here to download the PDF.

Jumps you to the ShortCourses.com Home page.
Displays the previous/next page in an on-line book.
. When you click the next page button on the last page of a book it loops you around to the contents page.
. When you click the previous page button on the contents page of a book it loops you around to the last page.
Displays the previous/next chapter opener (not all books are organized into chapters and on books that aren't these buttons are grayed out).
. When you click the next chapter button anywhere in the last chapter of a book it loops you around to the contents page.
. When you click the previous chapter button on the contents page of a book it loops you to the beginning of the last chapter.
Available only on book contents pages, these buttons display the contents page for the previous/ next book so you can quickly browse contents pages one after another to locate what you are looking for in the library.
. When you click the next book button on the contents page of the last book it loops you around to the contents page of the first book.
. When you click the previous book button on the contents page of the first book it loops you around to the contents page of the last book.
Back and Forward buttons on your browser let you retrace your steps through the site.
Displays an animation or movie provided your system has an up-to-date Flash player installed and you are connected to the Internet. The player is available free at www.adobe.com.
Opens a PDF document that expands on the current topic provided your system has an up-to-date Acrobat Reader installed and you are connected to the Internet. The reader is available free at www.adobe.com.
Opens an Excel worksheet you use to explore concepts such as flash guide numbers, pixels and image sizes provided your system has an Excel compatible program installed and is connected to the Internet.

Adds a printed copy of the book to your shopping cart.
Adds a CD with a full-color PDF version of the book to your shopping cart.

Adds both a printed copy and PDF eBook CD to your shopping cart.
Adds a downloaded copy of the book to your shopping cart. After completing your order you are e-mailed a link that you click to instantly download the book. (Avoid using an eCheck since it takes 4 to 5 days to clear the bank, just like a paper check).

Displays the current contents of your shopping cart.
Takes your through the checkout process using a secure server at Shopsite.

Takes you to the bookstore contents page. Inexpensive downloadable copies in PDF form are available for all of the books on this site. All are in full color, fully searchable, projectable, and printable in high resolution. Reading on the Web is OK up to a point, but most people prefer a more traditional design and clear printout they can read in a more comfortable setting, take with them on trips, or pass on to a friend.

Note that these banners are not all identical but they all look something like the one shown here.

Home  |  Shortcourses™ Bookstore  |  Curtin's Guide to Digital Cameras and Other Photographic Equipment  |  Using Your Digital Camera  |  Displaying & Sharing Your Digital Photos  |  Digital Photography Workflow  |  Image Sensors, Pixels and Image Sizes   |  Digital Desktop Lighting   |  
Hot Topics/ About Us

Site designed by Steve Webster and created by i-Bizware solutions, freelance web development, Anil Dada Warbhe, Website development iBizware Solutions, India.iBizware Solutions, India.